
서경광장 > 공지사항
주요 공지사항들을 담은 게시판입니다.

Submission Date for Application : May 20 (Mon) ~ June 14(Fri) 2024 (By 14, June , 2024 (Cannot be extended)


1. (Necessary) submit the online application through the Google Form




2. (Necessary) Send the original documents and forms to the address stated below


Your application documents must arrive at our office by the deadline.



Interview Period: 19-20 June(WED), 2024


- Interview only holds for those who get to be accepted in document review.(In Korean or English)


- Details will be informed via E-mail.


- Video interview using Zoom(in KST)



Postal Address


GKS Korean Language Program


Yudam Building, #1014


124 Seokyeong-ro Sungbuk-gu Seoul, 02713


서울시 성북구 서경로 124, 서경대학교 유담관 1014GKS사업단 (02713)


Important notes regarding application submission


- Seokyeong University follows the guidelines of NIIED about document requirements and other conditions on the application for GKS.


- Required Certificates(refer to List of Documents to Submit section) must be apostilled or consular confirmed.


-You must send the original file.


- Applicants must follow the guidelines of NIIED and check thoroughly.

- Applicants must submit any additional documents required to the university directly.


- Comprehensive evaluation of learning ability, academic qualifications, financial ability, etc., Applicants who are judged to have difficulty in studying at the university may not be selected regardless of the number of admissions.


- Those who miss the interview will be considered unqualified.


- During interview for Art and Sports, a practical performance test will be conducted, and the test result will be included in the interview score.


- Some arts and Sports disciplines(departments) will require portfolios.


- If the interview and test scores(including the actual operation test scores) do not meet the standard scores of the admission units, they will be disqualified.


Inquiry and application address

- TEL: 82-2-940-2958

- E-mail: skugks@skuniv.ac.kr


-Graduate School-Admissions



-GKS Language Program-Korean Language Program



-SKUGKS Instagram


List of Articles
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서경광장 > 공지사항
주요 공지사항들을 담은 게시판입니다.