
International Students Notice
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Unification Expo 2015

조회 수 12847 추천 수 0 2015.05.12 11:41:27

Unification Expo 2015

Unification Quiz Event for International Participants


1. Event Summary

Purpose : Promoting international interest and empathy regarding the problems surrounding the division and unification of the Korean Peninsula through a unification quiz event tailored to international participants

Event Name : Global Unification Quiz

Time and Location : May 30 (sat), 10am - 12pm, Seoul Plaza

Quiz Content : Questions will be designed to help international participants easily grasp the problems surrounding the division and unification of the Korean Peninsula


2. Participation

Eligible Participants : foreign nationals enrolled in any Korean university as regular, exchange or language program student

Awards and Benefits :

o Prizes will be awarded as follows - Grand prize (one team), runners-up (two teams), third place (three teams), honorable mention (six teams)

Additionally, winners will be granted access to the June Panmunjeom Tour

* Panmunjeom Tour Date : June 25 (Thu)

o All event participants will be presented with a commemorative gift


3. How to Apply

Application Period : April 28 (Tue) - May 15 (Fri)

o Approved teams will be notified by text message (between May 20 and May 22)

Application Materials and Process : Download the application form from the Ministry of Unification hompage (www.unikorea.go.kr) or the Unification Expo homepage (www.uniexpo.co.kr) and submit the completed form by email to (horang2@unikorea.go.kr)

Questions : Contact the Global Unification Quiz Project Manager, Cultural Affairs Division, Ministry of Unification (Phone # : 02-2100-5995)

2015. 5. 11.




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International Students Notice
외국인유학생 > 커뮤니티 > 공지사항
외국인 유학생을 위한 공지사항 안내입니다.